Last nap with binky.January 2nd Madison got rid of all things baby in her life. She had her last day with her binky and last night in her crib. For those of you who are not aware, Madison was very attached to her binkies. They have been her comfort when sad, hurt, sick, for snuggle time, or just because. There was even a period of time where she would fall down just so she could cry and ask for her binky. I think I was probaby just as attached to it. It was an easy solution to a crying girl in the car or public place. We started 3days before by cutting the tips of of her binkies one at a time. She would just look at it and say binky broken and throw it in the bathroom garbage. I was quite stunned at how easy it was. The last one was her prized Fufly(Butterfly) binky. That one she held a second longer, took one last suck and away it went. She talked about her broken binky for a few more days but she never even really cried that night. Mom on the other hand held her over her crib one last time and prayed over her with tears running down my face. It was a bittersweet moment as my baby girl was growing up. That night seemed to mark a big turning point towards 2 new babies joining our family and Madison becoming a big sister.
The next day Madison spent her nap at Nana and Poppy's while we put her new big girl room together. She was so excited when she walked in. She has slept great in her new bed although she has fallen off the bottom 2 times. We have a rail on the long side but somehow she manages to get upside down an roll off. The floor is now padded with pillows.
Below are pictures of her new room. Starting by looking in the door and moving left.
Here are a few more fun pictures of our big girl.