7years ago my mom started a business called MyPreciousKid.com run from her home. It began with just a few products that she created. Id kits for kids. She strongly believes in keeping our kids safe by having a form of wearable identification on them especially in large public settings. If they are separated having your information on them can prevent a horrible experience from lasting even longer.
They company has grown to over 100 products in Child Safety and Baby Gear. Also a new store front location in Oregon. I am blessed to work for her 2days a week. It is such a wonderful job about a topic I feel strongly. Keeping our kids safe!!! I love getting to test so many new products and helping to get the information out to others. We have a great team of ladies that make working so much fun. Come visit us at our new store!
Check out our line of products at :
Sunday, August 24, 2008
My Precious Kid.com - Store Front NOW OPEN!!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Weekend at the beach
This last weekend we spend with our good friends Jason and Nicole at the beach. We had a wonderful time shopping, relaxing, and eating way to much junk. We got away from the 104degree heat here but were almost cold. It was around 60 and windy. We decided to go down to the beach Saturday and when we got there the fog was so thick you couldn't even see the water until you were right at it. Amazingly it was warm and not windy at all. Madison was not to sure when her feet touched the cold wet sand but it didn't take long for her to start digging in. She was a mess but loving every moment of it. She didn't want to leave. We had a great time!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Here are a few fun pics of our big girl. She is 20months tomorrow and doing new things all the time. Her vocabulary continues to amaze me. I can truly have a conversation with her now. Sometimes she will rattle off a line of words all together and then I will realize they will all have to do with what we did the day before. It's like she is telling you about all the fun she had. So cute. She also is loving bossing her cat around and saying things like No Meow, Milk, It's Mine. The thing she comes up with just make me smile. Some of her new words this week are buckle, sticker, turtle, circle, block, plane, sky, choo choo, horse, dolly, bike, piano, and so many more.
Singing, especially in the car at the top of her lungs, is also fun. Her favorite song is "No way, no way, no way", in the most sing song cute voice ever. She even dances to her own songs or our favorite is her Blue's Clues dance. To cute for words.
One of her new favorite things is to call Matt and I by our names. It has become a game. She will say Daddy, Daddy, Matt! It gets his attention. HEHE!
She is also now getting very good at matching colors, shapes, and doing puzzles. One of her favorite things to do though is color together. She is also getting very good at feeding herself with a spoon and even stabbing green beans with her fork. She was so proud of herself and smiled so big when she got the first one.
In addition to all this independence comes stubbornness as well. We are definitely getting closer to the terrible 2's. As challenging as it can be she is so much fun. We are loving every moment.
Enjoy these pics!
Backyard Fun!
We have been loving our backyard. We are starting to eat peas, tons of lettuce, and zucchini. We have cucumbers and corn on its way as well. I am a little worried about our pumpkins as they are spreading like crazy and taking over the garden. They are close to 6feet wide now with about 20blossoms. I am going to have to thin them out or put them on the sidewalk with a free sign in October just to get rid of them all.Madison has been enjoying our backyard as well. Apparently so is her Daddy. Yes he did climb all the way in and through to show Madison how to get onto her slide.
A couple of weeks ago she figured out how to climb up the ladder to her slide. She slid probably 30times after that. She is loving her independence on it and not having to have mommy right there.
We hope you are all enjoying your summer as well.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Swimming Lessons
We started swimming lessons last week. We did them last summer and she loved it. It is 2nights a week for 5weeks. Water is definitely Matt's thing so he did the first class. Not such a great idea due to her Mommy attachment lately. She screamed for 15min and we finally just left to start over the next class. The second class I did with her and by the end she was giggling, jumping off the side of the pool, and mad we were leaving. We are now both doing the class together it is so much fun. We pull into the parking lot and she starts saying water, water.
House Update 3
Back with one more house update.
This is our main living area. The kitchen, dining nook(table to come), and family room/playroom. This was a rare occasion that it was was actually clean without toys all over. Nap time was just over. :)
We replaced all the floors, painted, and replaced all the appliances. Counter tops are in the future as well.