We had family pregnancy photos done at about 30 weeks. I know that was qute some time ago. I just ordered my prints and thought I would share a few. Being pregnant seems like a lifetime ago.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Pregnancy Photos
Thursday, June 18, 2009
6 weeks
Micah & Mason will be 6 weeks old tomorrow. They are both right at 7lbs now, Micah can roll over tummy to back ( he started at 4weeks and totally shocked us), and Mason is starting to make talking/cooing noises once in a while. The first few weeks were pretty smooth sailing. Other than having to wake them for feedings they slept most of the time. I did say though that I was not naive in thinking it would stay that way.
Once they hit their due date things changed a bit. They started to wake up more and my nice 3hr feeding schedule became every 2 hrs during the day. All of a sudden they both got really fussy with gassy tummies. I am trying hard to eliminate anything that could be the cause and slowly reintroducing them one at a time. I have cut out ALL dairy ( I had been doing cheese), beans, chocolate, eggs, soda, and formula. Even with no dairy we were still seeing a reaction to something which is why the list is so long. I wish they could just do an allegy test to make it easier. I am introducing dairy back in last since it takes so long to leave their systems. I want to know for sure what we are dealing with. Needless to say, chicken and PBJ have become staples for me. I can't wait for a huge slice of pizza, a nacho, and a big bowl of ice cream. It could be a year from now but it will be wonderful.
On top of gassy tummies, I have also had some major pain with nursing. When it is a HUGE part of your life it is a bit hard to ignore. I just suck it up and remember how much I love them and that IT IS WORTH IT! There are days when I wish I could just find a formula that worked for them and call it quits. It wouldn't matter what I ate and I woudn't be in pain. But then I look at their sweet faces and remember how much I really do love nursing and this is just a phase. We will get through it. I went through much worse with Madison.
On a slightly positive note they did sleep 6 hrs (11pm- 5am) for me Monday night. I woke up a new woman. I think it was God's break given to me to prepare me for the last 2 nights that were not so great. The one good thing out of late night feedings is getting to rock my sweet boys as they sleep. There is something so sweet about that time even if it is exhausting.
A good night for us is:
7:00-8:00 Nurse
8:00-8:30 Madison to bed
9:00-10:00 Nurse
10:00-11:00 Settle babies -lots of reinserting binkies.
2:00-3:00 One baby wakes. Change diaper, feed, swaddle, wake second baby and repeat.
5:00-6:00 Diapers, feed, swaddle- normally I bring them to my room for this feeding if Matt is getting ready for work. They eat and then tend to be fussy for the next few hours. Sometimes I can dose off and on in between settling them.
7:00/8:00 Madison wakes up
The last week I have had a few days that all 3 of them have been down for naps at the same time in their own rooms. Even though I am normally catching up on housework it is nice to have a break. I know this phase will get better, but right now it seems so hard. I get one baby content just for the second on to cry. Luckily they dont cry at te same time very often. It is just easier to stay home than try to go anywhere other than my parents. At least then I have extra hands to help. It will be nice once they can go longer between feeds to get out a bit more.
I am looking forward to them being a bit more interactive so Madison can actually play with them and they will enjoy their bouncy seats and toys. Overall they really are very good babies, it has just been a bit rougher the last 2 weeks. I just take it one day at a time. Honestly, it isnt even that I feel like it is more that I can handle. It is just tiring some days. Sorry for rant. I just needed a place to vent.
Well, nap time is coming to an end. I am now holding Micah typing one handed and Mason and Madison are stirring.
I really do feel so blessed to have three beautiful children, a wonderful husband, and great family and friends. God has been so good to us.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Photo overload! A month caught up.
A whole month has already passed us by. Micah and Mason turned a month old on the 8th ad passed their original due date on the 3rd. So much has happened. I picked a small (yes small compared to the number of photos I have already taken) selection of some of my favorite pics to share. Micah (blue) should be on the left and Mason (green) right when two similar pics.
(For some reason when this posted it posted them on top of one another instead of side by side. Micah should be the first photo out of 2 for some of you. )
1 week
First outing to the park.
With Papa John, Grandma Dolly, Jason, and Nicole.

First official ride in new car seats to Nana's office.
(also my first outing with all 3.) 12 days old
Screams ...
4weeks old
1 month old 6lbs 10 oz, 6lbs 12oz
She is loving helping in the kitchen.
She asks all the time to make cookies, and to pick and wash strawberries.

Monday, June 01, 2009
Long awaited baby pictures
Hello Blog Followers! I know it has been over 2 weeks since I posted, but I guess I have a valid excuse. Two new babies! I have a ton of pictures to share with you from our last several weeks at home but they will have to wait for another time. I have a very limited window of all 3 kids sleeping to post right now. (Actually, as I am finishing this blog -an hour later than I started it- they are all up now and I have fed both babies. Like I said, a VERY limited window.)
Micah & Mason has been such a gift to our family. They are such good babies. They sleep and eat well and often. They are both very mellow and content. Both are over 6lbs now and the Dr. is happy with their growth. They have already been to Mommy to Mommy, church twice, Red Robin, the zoo, to visit new baby Kelton, and even a day of errand running with Nana's assistance. Now that daddy is back at work (as of today) I am sure the running will come to a screeching halt. It is quite the task to get out with all 3. Especially by myself.
Madison is such a good big sister. She loves to hold her brothers, help with diapers, give binkies, kisses, hugs, etc. The other day Micah started crying and she jumped down from the table saying, "Mom, he's crying. Get the binky. QUICK!" She is such a little mom already. Luckily, Micah and Mason don't seem to mind yet. They seem pretty unaware of her smothering tendencies.
For now, here are some of the boys hospital pictures. I promise I will be back soon with more.