Marteney Love
Our life as a family of 5!

Friday, July 09, 2010

14 months

The boys turned 14mo old yesterday. They are getting so big. They are both adding new sounds all the time and taking 2-3 steps here and there. Never when you want them to of course. They love to stand and walk on handed along the couch. I think they could do it if they wanted to. We went on their first camping trip last weekend. Pictures to come. And they are loving playing outside. They are such fun babies.

Micah is quite the ham and loves to laugh. He is fairly content to play and even by himself if he has snacks. Mason is silly as well. He loves to dance and make funny sounds. He chatters sentences of buzja, buzja, buzja, and daba, daba, daba. It is so funny. He has become quite the mama's boy recently. He can go from sweet and loving to a full thrown arching fit in 2 seconds. They have totally flipped in neediness the last few months. They both love to give open mouth slobbery kisses. The kind where they grab your face and plant it on you. But watch out or you may pull back a bitten lip. They just keep going. haha!

These are last months pics I never posted. I will post this months after they hopefully get their haircut this weekend.




Twice as Nice said...

great pictures Melissa! They are such precious boys! It's funny, Sammy, our second born, also is more clingy but will throw the big fits. It's pretty funny...

Meredith said...

They are sooo adorable!

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